5th Grade

Fifth grade at East Hardin is a positive experience that students look forward to throughout their elementary career. As the leaders of the school, our students have the opportunity to showcase their knowledge and experience from previous years. They will also gain new skills and experience new milestones as we prepare and equip them for their middle school years.

It's a TEAM Effort!

Students have the opportunity to be actively engaged in warm learning environments here at East Hardin. We use technology to enhance our learning experiences along with hands-on activities. In Social Studies, students are able to express their opinions and discuss past and current events. In Math, we use manipulatives, real world experiences and discussions to build our “Math Toolboxes”. We bring out our inner “Einstein” during our science block through participating in labs and by diving deeper into the workings of nature. ELA is our anchor that binds all content, allowing students to grow in all areas. 


In 5th Grade, students can join our girls and boys basketball and bowling teams. They take part in our 4-H program where they have monthly meetings focused on leadership and life skills. We also adventure past our school walls on field trips such as the Saltillo History Festival, Shiloh National Park, and more.  

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